The external characteristics of urbanization are the lifestyle features that lie outside the system of activity and characterize the external conditions on which it depends. The main element of such conditions is a place of residence with which the place of the implementation of various classes included in the lifestyle system is associated. As shown, the place of residence is, on the one hand, an element of any activity, and on the other, their general condition that determines the degree of urbanization of their entire system. So, the lifestyle of people living in district centers, as a rule, is more urbanized than the inhabitants of small peripheral villages.
The third integral indicator is consistency. We use it as an operational characteristic of the concept of “harmony”. The latter can be civilized in different ways. So, J1. BUT. Gordon and his employees operationalize it through a variety of sets of classes carried out by different groups of citizens within non -working hours. Another way of operationalization we use – the establishment of the degree of correspondence between the level of development of different ones is characterized by the lifestyle of different groups of rural residents, what is the number of such types, what is their prevalence in the studied aggregate and what are the social distances between the diverse ways of life. As you can see, the “nature of differentiation” is, as it were, a superstructure over the indicators “development”, “UR – bathroom” and “consistency”. The latter can be used in relation to a separate individual, while it makes sense to talk about differentiation only in relation to the totality.
So, the conceptual indicators introduced by us reflect the socially significant characteristics of the rural lifestyle: 1) development – the place of a certain group of the village of the village among other groups that have a different way of life; 2) urbanized – the proximity of one or another type of rural lifestyle to the city, 3) consistency – the measure of the internal integrity of the lifestyle, 4) the nature of differentiation – the measure of the differences in the lifestyle among different groups that are included in the studied set. According to the functions in the study, these indicators serve as the basis for the formation of intermediate and private indicators, as well as the subsequent measurement of individual components of the lifestyle. For example, on the basis of the concept of “development”, the content is formed. indicator “degree of development of household activities”. The latter serves as the basis for measuring the content of individual household classes, for example, the development of consumption of household services by the population or the development of the use of services in the city. As you can see, the concept of “development” is the most abstract conceptual indicator, which controls the formation of the lower levels of the system and measuring the corresponding features of the object. Description of six activities according to their six logical characteristics gives 36 private conceptual indicators, each of which is the operation of a particular logical variable of one or another activity of the rural population.