At the 88th year of his life, the Argentinee died by origin of Alberto Granado. About half a century ago, it was this man who was the companion of the legendary Ernesto Che Guevara during a trip to the countries of Latin America. According to Cuban state television, the ashes of Granado, according to his will, will be scattered over Cuba, Argentina and Venezuela. In the now distant 1951, Alberto Granado and his close friend Ernesto Guevara, who had not yet deserved the nicknames of “Che,” went on an old collapsing motorcycle on their journey through South America. It was thanks to that trip to Guevar that an irresistible desire to help all destitute people arose. It was this that subsequently brought him to partisan detachments and made him one of the main associates of the Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
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Later, Che Guevara became one of the commanders of the armed rebel movement, which led to the overthrow of the Cuban dictator Fullyhensio Batisto in 1959. The Argentine revolutionary died in 1967 in Bolivia, where he tried to form a partisan movement. For 44 years he experienced his legendary friend of his youth Alberto Granado. It was Granado who became the prototype of the hero of the film “Motorcyclist’s Diaries”, which was shot by the Brazilian director Walter Sallace. The film talks about how two friends went in full adventure of motorcycle travele in the countries of South America. The film is based on the book of memoirs of Granado. The biochemist by the profession of Alberto Granado came to the island of Liberty in 1961 at the invitation of Che Guevara, and until his last day he was devoted to this country. According to the last will of Granado, it is cremated, and the ashes are dispelled over Latin American countries.