An important criterion for the formation of an active civil position is civil competence. This criterion allows us to identify the presence or absence of a systematic of civil knowledge in a young person, awareness of his role in solving social problems.
The indicated criterion has the following indicators: knowledge about the essence of citizenship, understanding of the essence of various social phenomena and processes; work with the problems of the local community, understanding the direction of civil knowledge gained, the ability to analyze and objectively evaluate the social situation; Awareness of his role in society as an active citizen. The formation of an active civil position is characterized by the presence of civil qualities and values.
The indicators of this criterion are law -abiding, respect for democratic elections, a sense of duty and responsibility, willingness to protect rights; culture and political relations; personality-value attitude towards oneself and society, internal readiness to realize civil knowledge through their own activities. The indicated criterion indicates an emotional-value state, qualities, orientations, the intentions of a young man, on the transformation of his civil knowledge into personal beliefs. Active civil position of the personality is determined by the level of civic activity in the social environment.
Indicators of civil activity are the implementation of civil knowledge, their rights, freedoms and duties; initiative, the ability to self -actualization and leadership in the team; Motivated information activity. The civil formation of a young personality is carried out under the influence of a significant number of subjects of social interaction: parents, teachers, peers, representatives of authorities, law enforcement agencies, public organizations, and the media.