… And here there is another stratification of Campello, which goes back to the mysterious riddle of the matriarchy: the play has two groups – old and young. And young Campello seems to be the power of an overwhelming and resting on an openly ritual basis. This is a clan with very strict rules. Girls do not have the right to go outside here. They can only stand upstairs, by the window. And the street is freedom, permissiveness.
Thus, the two plastic planes of the Campello scene are clearly delimited in space. Campello is a territory that is owned by mothers and men, even young. This is a place of meetings, a place of quarrels, a place of games and entertainment, a place where public life is flowing, where conversations are being held, including the most intimate. The house as such becomes a private and individualized ownership of a separate family. Window, balcony or roof terrace – this is a natural refuge for those who are eager for relative isolation of unmarried daughters. In general, the clan formed from numerous small clans is a full -fledged ruler of all Campello and does not allow strangers to invade him excessively deep. Only sometimes he puts up with them – if this is a brief.
This is a well -organized community (although it is organized by almost primitive establishments and brutal rituals) lives its rhythms, its laws, its morals, its morality. That is why girls are forbidden to leave the house alone, they are only allowed to stand up at the window. Standing upstairs, they can talk among themselves and with those below- with men. But they do not have the right to go downstairs, leave the house and join the campello society, unless they are accompanied by a mother or closest relative (uncle). The most that the girl is allowed is to leave her home and go up to her girlfriend, but only when her mother is at home. This is rarely resolved and not without fear.