A nice thing to break the lady, and even so well served! Paws, antennae, velvet wings, soft abdomen - you...
Chinese rating agency Dagong reported the start of creating a joint project with companies from the USA and the Russian...
An additional exam for labor migrants has been introduced in Russia The procedure for passing exams for labor migrants has...
Last Tuesday, Cuban state television showed a video of the “fraternal” meeting of the leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel...
In 2010, China first overtook the United States in terms of sales of passenger cars. It happened for the first...
Individual entrepreneur is one of the simplest forms of business organization. So, where it is necessary to start if you...
Recently, around the person of Julian Assange and his creations-the notorious WikiLeaks Internet resource, there is a huge number of...
Crime is a social phenomenon expressed in the most dangerous form of human behavior for society. Crime has exceptional, inherent...
The London court gave permission to extradite Julian Assange to Sweden, where he is accused of harassment to two women....
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