This is strange, gentlemen! It seems that we are again stepping on the same rake. After we dismantled our own industry over the decades, including through thoughtless opening of customs borders, it seemed that the perniciousness of this path was fully conscious of the latest governments. There was a hope that a course has been taken to revive what can still be revived in the field of production. The previously unusual phrases “Protection of the domestic market”, “support of national manufacturers” have recently entered the active revolution and caress the hearing. It would seem that the state finally decided in its economic policy and the case moved from the dead point. They rejoiced early. The events of the last weeks associated with the head in the cigarette market showed that the state has very peculiar ideas about relations with internal manufacturers. Instead of providing them with reliable tariff protection, and even better simply set quVs for the import of goods produced in Armenia, one of the largest domestic manufacturers, in the formation of which the state did not make any efforts, essentially pointed to its place, they say, not Strive to monopolize the market well! With great difficulty, our markets conquered (by the way, very few) we return our own hands to foreign companies. Moreover, according to the amazing calculations of the Minh -Hooses, it turned out that the budget even “won” from a decrease in the share of local manufacturers and an appropriate increase in the share of importers… In this regard, it is noteworthy that, with the presentation of the interested party, the public is trying to mislead the pseudo -based reasoning on the topic of monopolization of the market. It is strange that the people’s deputies also came across this fishing rod, supporting the change of imported tariffs proposed by the government not in favor of the local manufacturer, but in favor of importers, but in fact approving the next victory of trade capital over industrial. If this is not a knife in the back, then what is it also called? In fact, the threat to the economic development of Armenia is not production monopolies (from where such happiness!), and foreign trade. With the same success, one can blame the “nail” of that he is a monopolist in the rubber market, and “Canas” in the aluminum market. Do not want the Monopoly “Grand Tobaco”? Create another tobacco production in Armenia, and this can only be applauded, but do not clash a local manufacturer with an importer under a far -fetched pretext of demonopolization. If the state is really interested in demonopolization of the market, then it should primarily take up the creation of a normal competitive environment among the importers themselves. As for the demonopolization of local manufacturers, then, firstly, this problem is not relevant for the Armenia economy (not to create the second “naic” or “Canaz” that we would use), and secondly, the state can easily provide fair pricing for this market by strictly dosed imports. What it should do, but in no case do not exploit the local manufacturer. In any case, entering the WTO is not far off and local manufacturers will still have time to taste all the “charms” of free competition. We would have time to prepare our industry for this event so that once again not to chop it in the name of the ideals of the free market. This is in theory. In practice, society again clearly demonstrated that our state did not have and there are no clear economic priorities. The state does not want to do for an internal manufacturer even the very minimum that it can simply not interfere. Instead, it encourages the import of ready -made consumer goods. This is a very bad signal for both internal investors and external. With this approach to their own economy, it is difficult to count on the economic growth of the country. All this is strange, gentlemen