The commission organized on the initiative of the head of the American state -Barack Obama provided a report based on which one of the main reasons for the recent disaster in the Gulf of Mexico was a reduction in financing for ensuring the security of the BP oil production company and its partners. About this on December sixth reports the REUTERS news agency.
So the document says that quite a lot of adopted “BP”, “Transocean” and “Halliburton” decisions that increased the likelihood of an accident allowed the above companies to save money and time. In addition, the commission also concluded that the incident that happened in the Gulf of Mexico is not at all an isolated case, but a consequence of systematic violations. Experts who worked on the report also note that there are no guarantees that such accidents do not happen on other oil producing platforms, which means it is necessary to make the necessary reforms in the oil industry in the oil industry.
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Recall that the accident on the Deepwater Horizon platform located in the Gulf of Mexico occurred on April twentieth last year. A couple of days after the explosion producing oil, the platform sank. Eleven people became victims of that incident. In addition, a strong leakage of oil began from the well. Only three months later, BP managed to stop the leak. Oil pouring all this time has managed to reach five American states.
In early autumn, the management of BP submitted its own report on the results of the investigation of the causes of the accident. According to the document provided, not only the human factor (for example, incorrect assessments of these devices), but also the detected deficiencies in the design of the platform itself, led to the explosion on Deepwater Horizon.