Moskomarchitecture for determining the most reliable throughput of road transport infrastructure, as well as buildings density, intends to calculate the number of foreigners, as well as their length of stay in the capital. The service intends to carry out the analysis of migration flows independently, since the data on guesterators from other departments were insufficient for such tasks. Moreover, about 10 million rubles intend to spend on these purposes. As officials explain, to predict a real burden on the city, information is needed about how many residents are constantly in the city, how many people come to work in the capital, as well as the number of citizens who go to work outside Moscow. These data are fundamental numbers for the capital plan of the capital. However, in view of the fact that sometimes there were malfunctions in equipment, I had to engage in data restoration and make calculations in a new way. The number of illegal immigrants is also necessary to determine the capacity of the street network and transport infrastructure. Since, not knowing who exactly and where he lives in the capital, it is difficult to understand the exact number of the necessary hotels for guests of the city, official and municipal housing, as well as business class houses. The FMS noted that they can give information about migrants that relies on the data of control checks. However, it is impossible to conduct real studies, due to the fact that yesterday the worker could have permission, and today it has already stopped working. According to the agency, almost 1.4 million guest workers were officially registered in Moscow. The work on the fresh general plan intends to finish by the end of the year. We also note the fact that the development of the general plan took up the development of 148 thousand hectares of the territory of the Moscow Region in 2012, due to which the area of the capital increased 2.4 times.