Whether the benefits of the Chernobyls will be canceled – this issue for a long time is one of the most discussed. Talks about the benefits of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident was held earlier, since this category of the population could never fully use its privileges.
But the situation was sharpened in April 2011, when the benefits of the Chernobyls in Ukraine were accrued for 70 billion. hryvnias, and in the state treasury for 2011 only 7.7 billion was provided. hryvnias. This figure was actually 10 times less than the law required.
Anatoly Seminoga, the head of the Committee of the BP, engaged in environmental management, environmental policy, as well as eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, spoke about the emergence of the following problem at that time: Chernobyls, using legislative support, appeal to the court, they win these courts, and the state has to compensate for These expenses.
That is why the Cabinet of Ministers decided to file a bill in the BP that it was necessary to cancel the benefits of the Chernobyls, and only the Cabinet of Ministers should establish them. In this regard, Ukrainians categorically opposed the deprivation of the benefits of Chernobyls.
What benefits were relied by Chernobyls earlier?
So, what benefits previously relied on Chernobyls? First of all, it is worth noting that there are four categories of beneficiaries and benefits. For example, the benefits of the Chernobyl people are disabled to the first category. Free medicines are laid for such people if there is a doctor’s prescription; Serving them in pharmacies should be out of line. Also, the Black Category benefits include free tooth prosthetics, obtaining free spa-resort permits.
If a person is temporarily inoperative (up to 5 months a year), he should still fully pay the average salary. Such citizens received the right and 50% discount for utility bills. And if there was a need to improve housing conditions, then they should have been provided out of turn. And real estate tax must have not been extended to this housing. The same benefits and the widows of the Chernobyls are laid.
The list of benefits also had the right to carry out free privatization of residential real estate; the right to free support of cars and the right to compensate 50% of the cost of products with attachment to specific stores; Free travel in local transport and the opportunity to travel once a year without payment to any point in the country. The benefits of the children of Chernobyls in this category also include the ability to enter universities outside the competition, as well as receive an increased scholarship during studies.
Benefits of the Chernobyls 2 of categories rely almost the same as the first, only payments are excluded for those who are temporarily inoperative; They are not supposed to be compensated by half the cost of products, as well as a free car. These citizens have the right only to a 50%discount, in order to go to any settlement of the country once a year; They also have compensation for 25% of the cost of products. Many benefits of the listed belong to 3, as well as 4 categories. However, as the Chernobyls claim, far from all their benefits they managed to use. Although what remained, they actively defended this fall under the walls of the WP of Ukraine.
Benefits: what has changed?
The situation has changed somewhat after the approval of the state budget, in which the payments of Chernobyls increased by 1.8 billion. hryvnias. But this happened due to the reduction of capital expenses, and not by multiplying the revenue.
Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov, commenting on the fact that the benefits of the Chernobyls 2012, as well as social payments to other beneficiaries are reduced by the state budget, said that the government did not violate any agreements and will continue to violate. Moreover, the new project of pension reform, on the contrary, provides for the recalculation of Chernobyl pensions in 2012 aside the increase. However, this is this talk about removing benefits to the Chernobyls, unfortunately, do not stop. This issue has become a powerful weapon in the hands of the opposition forces. Well, as they say, it remains only to monitor the development of events.