The former governor of the Ivanovo region became the head of the newly created Ministry of Construction and Housing. Thus, Igor Slyunyaev, Minister of Regional Development, has lost a significant part of his powers. The Ministry of Regional Development reorganized in the government a week, as a result of which a considerable block was led out of this department responsible for the spheres of housing and communal services and construction. The new ministry was headed by Mikhail Men, who prematurely left the governor’s post in the Ivanovo region. Slyunyaev will manage only interethnic relations and territorial planning. The new department is created on the basis of Gosstroy, and it will also be transferred to it all construction functions from other ministries and departments. The idea of the Reformation of the former Federal Agency for Housing and Public Utilities and Construction is not new. At one time, the head of the state building Vladimir Kogan lobbying the retraining of the department directly to the government, bypassing the Ministry of Regional Development. This was mainly due to his long -standing conflict with the head of the Ministry of Regional Development Oleg Govorun. As a result, after not successful attempts of retortion, he resigned. However, many experts tend to believe that this was the impetus for organizing a separate “construction” ministry. The plans of the new minister include attracting private investment in the housing and communal services area, reduce construction costs, and restrain the growth of tariffs. This will become possible when using the latest technologies in construction. Such a rapid technology will allow not only to obtain the minimum cost of building a structure, but also to save on further utility services. Since due to its design, it has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Many experts tend to believe that it was the newly created ministry that became the Ministry of Regional. Since the former department has practically no authority left.